Monday 5 November 2007

Kirsten Anderson on Pop Surrealism

Robert Williams Bio

Robert Williams on Lowbrow art

In 1979 Gilbert offered to do an art book of all my paintings. No other publishing company anywhere would dare to undertake such an unorthodox project. It was decided at that time, since no authorized art institutions would recognize this form of art, to call my book The Lowbrow Art of Robt. Williams.

There was never any intention to make the title of my book the name of a fledging art movement but, over time, that seems to be what has transpired. The original connotation was to suggest that this self-deprecating name would, over a matter of time, rise from the lowest cultural phylum of art to ironically (and much to the consternation of the art world) climb to the top–but this wasn’t a serious conjecture.